In Islington, where I live, there are any number of gyms and in fact just one minute away from where I live is Highbury gym (being extended as I write). Gyms tend to be good news for massage therapists and osteos because so many people injure themselves while training. That's a rather tongue in cheek way of putting it. But seriously, a lot of the people who come to me are those who either do not know how to train properly or are over zealous in their training. Guys particularly are prone to push themselves beyond what's good for them. And if they're doing that with poor technique, for sure they'll be calling me for help very soon.
I go to the gym about 4 times a week (and swim about 3 times a week). I'm in and out in 40 minutes usually. My own knowledge of anatomy, combined with advice from one of the best PTs in London, has kept me out of trouble. Another thing that has kept me out of trouble is that I don't go to the gym in order to look like the guy in this photo. I do admire guys who can do this and for sure they look pretty impressive - but frankly, I haven't got the time (or the will power or the DNA or the youth) to do this to my body and there are many other things I prefer to do instead. This guy came to see me this week with all sorts of problems that started in the gym. He looked super healthy but he was now putting his body through such a rigorous training programme that it was beginning to break up.
After the massage, he asked me if I had any advice for him. Yes, I said, stop taking protein supplements and steroids and stop going to the gym so much. He said 'sure' in that lovely English way which means 'are you out of your stupid mind?' Oh, well, I tried. I'm seeing him again next week.