In praise of slow

Paul Adamson
March 7, 2018

Alright, I confess it, I’m slowing down. It’s not really to do with getting older though, it’s more a confirmation of a way of looking at life that I’ve held for years but is now getting stronger. Taking things slowly. I used to thrash up and down the pool when I went for a swim but this morning, one of those rare occasions when Highbury Pool was empty, I took the opportunity to swim really slowly, knowing that no one was behind me or ahead of me. Like this, you can enjoy using swimming as a way to stretch and take pleasure in the water rather than as some high-pressured aeobic exercise – ‘doing the lengths’. These days I advise those of my clients who are stiff to enjoy going slowly in the pool and feel each stroke as a stretch. It can become quite meditative.

I’ve also got slower in the way I massage and enjoy it even more – it’s a particularly effective way of working when clients book in for a longer 80-minute session. The other day I was pretty tired having spent all day massaging and then the last client who came in wanted 80 minutes. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. But actually I found a revitalising rhythm that used a lot of breathing techniques and found myself giving what I thought was one of the best massages I’ve ever given – the guy I was working on was more than happy too! I took it so slowly I did wonder if he was going to ask me if I was ok but really I could tell from his breathing that he was completely with me and enjoying every second.

I don’t always have the courage to go slowly – sometimes feeling the compulsion to ‘get on with it’ – but if I’m ever in doubt as to whether I’m giving a good massage, I slow down. The effect is powerful and immediate.

As Leonard Cohen sang in his song Slow from the wonderful album Popular Problems: ‘Slow is in my blood’.

Let's dance
Get with the program
This crazy lockdown
Crunch time
The crazies
Life goes on
The beauty of scars
The Roaring Twenties
Truly, madly, deeply
Skin deep
Fat kids
Martial artist
Meet Rei Toska
Sperm alert
The spa massage
New year, new you?
The tan line
Back pain
Feeling relaxed?
How old is your heart?
Triumphing over injury
Tackling rugby
Belly watch (2)
La dolce vita
Belly watch (1)
The London marathon
Open water
The iPhone and massage
The swimmer's body
Happy with yours?
Cut the fat, Santa
The pre-flight massage
Big guys
Thin people
Fat people
Massage and osteopathy
Let's dance!
The authentic voice
Killing a lobster
The way of all flesh
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Let's do lunch
Andy Murray's hip
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Brain power
And stretch...
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How we see ourselves
The pain paradox
The full body massage
The limits of massage
Men and their bellies
Reading the body
The dangers of sitting